Introduce the usage and application scenarios of the Repeater.
The Repeater control is used to create a large number of similar items . Similar to other view controls (ListView, PathView). Simply using the Repeater control does not have much effect, and it is generally used with layout controls (Row, Column, Grid).
simple example
- Use the Repeater to create three Rectangles, and expose data to them through the model array, and finally use the Row horizontal layout to display.
Row {
Repeater {
model: ["yellow", "yellow", "yellow"]
Rectangle {
width: 80; height: 50
color: modelData
- Effect:
- Attributes:
- count: How many instance items in total.
- delegate: The delegate item used for interface display (this tag can be omitted when there is only one control under the Repeater).
- model: data model item, used to provide data support for delegate.
- Signal:
- itemAdded(int index, Item item): This signal is triggered when an item is added to the Repeater.
- itemRemoved(int index, Item item): This signal is triggered when an item in the Repeater is removed.
- method:
- Item itemAt(index): Find the item of Repeater by subscript.
scenes to be used
- Repeater is more useful for displaying multiple repetitions, not for interaction (sliding).
- It is only used in the case of relatively few items, and using Repeater instead of ListView and other view items will improve performance.
complex example
ListModel {
/* data item*/
id: myModel
ListElement { colour: "red"; }
ListElement { colour: "blue"; }
ListElement { colour: "green"; }
Component {
/* surrogate (instance)*/
id: myDelegate
Rectangle {
width: 80; height: 50
color: colour /* Obtained through data item (model) mapping。*/
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
/* Click to add a data item, and the interface will display one more item。*/
onClicked: myModel.append({colour: "lightblue"})
Row {
Repeater {
id: repeater
model: myModel
delegate: myDelegate
onItemAdded: console.log("Add Item.", index, item.color)
onItemRemoved: console.log("Remove Item.", index, item.color)