Qml component Concept

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 QML Debug - Visual Studio Marketplace

Introduce component construction, destruction, and dynamic loading knowledge.

Objects/Components all have C++-like constructors and destructors


  • onCompletedObject construction completes automatic execution;
  • onDestructionExecuted automatically before the object is destroyed.
QtObject {
    Component.onCompleted: console.log("Completed")
    Component.onDestruction: console.log("Destruction")


Load components using Loader


  • ComponentMust have a subspace to instantiate;
  • onProgressChangedThe loading progress of the component can be obtained.
Component {
    id: component
    Text {
        text: "Component"

Loader {
    sourceComponent: component
    onProgressChanged: console.log(progress)


Dynamically load Qml components (1)


  • prototype:
  1. qmlDescribe the statement for the qml component;
  2. parentTo attach to that parent control;
  3. filepathError reporting during loading for redirection to file
object createQmlObject(qml, 
                       object parent, 
                       string filepath)
  • example
var object = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick 2.0; Rectangle {color: "blue"; width: 50; height: 50}',


Dynamically load Qml components (2)


  • prototype:
  1. urlIt is a qml file (you can also load a network qml file);
  2. modeMode for creating qml (synchronous or asynchronous);
  3. parentDesignate a control as the parent control;
  4. objectas an additional attribute.
object createComponent(url, mode, parent)
object createObject(parent, object properties)
  • Example:
var component = Qt.createComponent("MyComponent.qml");
if (component.status == Component.Ready)
    component.createObject(parent, {x: 100, y: 100});

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