Switch button Modified using the Switch control of Qml

Info Thread
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The switch button that can be turned on or off is modified using the Switch control of Qml.

Switch button code

import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0

Switch {
    id: root
    property color checkedColor: "#0ACF97"

    indicator: Rectangle {
        width: 54
        height: 34
        radius: height / 2
        color: root.checked ? checkedColor : "white"
        border.width: 2
        border.color: root.checked ? checkedColor : "#E5E5E5"

        Rectangle {
            x: root.checked ? parent.width - width - 2 : 1
            width: root.checked ? parent.height - 4 : parent.height - 2
            height: width
            radius: width / 2
            anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
            color: "white"
            border.color: "#D5D5D5"

            Behavior on x {
                NumberAnimation { duration: 200 }

Switch style Use code

GridLayout {
    width: root.width
    rows: switchRepeater.count

    Repeater {
        id: switchRepeater
        model: ["#727CF5", "#0ACF97", "#F9375E", "#FFBC00", "#2B99B9"]
        Column {
            spacing: 15
            Switch {
                checkedColor: modelData
                checked: true

            Switch {
                checkedColor: modelData

            Switch {
                checkedColor: modelData
                checked: true


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