Static variable and Static Class Member Function and Variable

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 Static Variables and Static Class Members

Static Object : Summary About Static Variable and Static Class

1. Persistence :  it remains in memory until the end of the program.

2. File Scope : it can be seen only withing a file where it's defined.

3. Visibility : if it is defined within a function/block, it's scope is limited to the function/block. It cannot be accessed outside of the function/block.

4. Class : static members exist as members of the class rather than as an instance in each object of the class. So, this keyword is not available in a static member function. Such functions may access only static data members. There is only a single instance of each static data member for the entire class:

  1. A static data member : class variable 

  2. A non-static data member : instance variable

5. Static Member Function : it can only access static member data, or other static member functions while non-static member functions can access all data members of the class: static and non-static.

Static Data Member and Functions - ppt download



#include <QApplication>
class MyClass
    static void staticFunction(){
        qDebug()<<"This Is The Static Memeber Function of My Class";
    static int x;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { MyClass::staticFunction(); return 0; }

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