Qt Quick QML Button

Info Thread
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11 minute read


The Button control can be said to be one of the most commonly used controls. When the user clicks the button, the pressed, released, and clicked signals may be triggered. We can specify corresponding signal processors for it in the qml document to respond to user operations.

Let’s look at a simple Button definition below

import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Window 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.5
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
ApplicationWindow {
    width: 640
    height: 480
    visible: true
    title: qsTr("blogs.thearticleof.com")

        text: qsTr("https://blogs.thearticleof.com")
        font.pointSize: 24
        opacity: 0.2
        color: "grey"
        rotation: 315
        anchors.centerIn: parent

        /*Postioning the Row Layout*/
            centerIn: parent

            text: qsTr("OK")
            /*Mouse Signal When User Click On Button */
            onClicked: {
                console.log("Ok Button Clicked ")
            text: qsTr("Cancel")
            /*Mouse Signal When User Click On Button */
            onClicked: {
                console.log("Cancel Button Clicked ")

When we click the button, the following information will be printed on the console:

qml: OK Button clicked
qml: Cancel Button clicked

Next, let’s take a brief look at its common attributes:

autoRepeat : bool
This attribute is used to control whether to trigger the Pressed, Released and Clicked signals repeatedly when the button is pressed, the default value is false

If we set it to true, then it will respond to multiple event handlers.

            text: qsTr("OK")
            autoRepeat: true
            /*Mouse Signal When User Click On Button */
            onClicked: {
                console.log("Ok Button Clicked.. ")
            onPressed: {
                console.log("Ok Button pressed ..")
            onReleased: {
                console.log("Ok Button Released ..")

Normal click:

qml: OK Button pressed....
qml: OK Button released....
qml: OK Button clicked....

Hey, why is it different from what we thought, there is no repetition? What’s going on, look at the official documentation:

This property holds whether the button repeats pressed(), released() and clicked() signals while the button is pressed and held down .

By the way, it’s held, then let’s press it for a while to see:

qml: Ok Button pressed ..
qml: Ok Button Released ..
qml: Ok Button Clicked.. 
qml: Ok Button pressed ..
qml: Ok Button Released ..
qml: Ok Button Clicked.. 
qml: Ok Button pressed ..
qml: Ok Button Released ..
qml: Ok Button pressed ..
qml: Ok Button Released ..
qml: Ok Button Clicked.. 
qml: Ok Button pressed ..
qml: Ok Button Released ..
qml: Ok Button pressed ..
qml: Ok Button Released ..
qml: Ok Button Clicked.. 
qml: Ok Button pressed ..
qml: Ok Button Released ..
qml: Ok Button pressed ..
qml: Ok Button Released ..
qml: Ok Button Clicked.. 
qml: Ok Button pressed ..
qml: Ok Button Released ..
qml: Ok Button pressed ..
qml: Ok Button Released ..
qml: Ok Button Clicked.. 
qml: Ok Button pressed ..
qml: Ok Button Released ..
qml: Ok Button pressed ..
qml: Ok Button Released ..
qml: Ok Button Clicked.. 
qml: Ok Button pressed ..
qml: Ok Button Released ..
qml: Ok Button Clicked.. 

Sure enough, I’ve been doing things. . . . . .

flat : bool

This property supports whether the button is displayed smoothly. If it is set to true, the button will not display the background unless it is a button or selected .

            text: qsTr("OK")
            autoRepeat: true
            /*Mouse Signal When User Click On Button */
            onClicked: {
                console.log("Ok Button Clicked.. ")
            onPressed: {
                console.log("Ok Button pressed ..")
            onReleased: {
                console.log("Ok Button Released ..")
            text: qsTr("Cancel")
            flat: true
            /*Mouse Signal When User Click On Button */
            onClicked: {
                console.log("Cancel Button Clicked ")

Look The Difference Between Ok and Cancel Button where Ok Button is not set flat property while cancel button flat button set true

Obviously, the first button has no default background and border. . . It is as expected, of course, please don’t define the background style of the button yourself, in that case you will not be able to see it. . . . .

highlighted : bool
This attribute is used to set whether it is highlighted to attract the user’s attention, it has no effect on keyboard interaction, the default value is false

Let’s take a look at how to set the button icon

import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Window 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.5
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.3
ApplicationWindow {
    width: 640
    height: 480
    visible: true
    title: qsTr("blogs.thearticleof.com")

        text: qsTr("https://blogs.thearticleof.com")
        font.pointSize: 24
        opacity: 0.2
        color: "grey"
        rotation: 315
        anchors.centerIn: parent

        /*Postioning the Row Layout*/
            centerIn: parent

//        Button{
//            text: qsTr("OK")
//            autoRepeat: true
//            /*Mouse Signal When User Click On Button */
//            onClicked: {
//                console.log("Ok Button Clicked.. ")
//            }
//            onPressed: {
//                console.log("Ok Button pressed ..")
//            }
//            onReleased: {
//                console.log("Ok Button Released ..")
//            }
//        }
//        Button{
//            text: qsTr("Cancel")
//            flat: true
//            /*Mouse Signal When User Click On Button */
//            onClicked: {
//                console.log("Cancel Button Clicked ")
//            }
//        }
            display: AbstractButton.TextUnderIcon
            icon.source: "qrc:/address-card-regular.svg"
            icon.height: 32
            icon.width : 32
            highlighted: true
            text: qsTr("TextUnderIcon")
            onClicked: {
                console.log("TextUnderIcon Button Clicked ...")
            display: AbstractButton.TextOnly
            icon.source: "qrc:/address-card-regular.svg"
            icon.height: 32
            icon.width : 32
            highlighted: true
            text: qsTr("TextOnly")
            onClicked: {
                console.log("TextOnly Button Clicked ...")
            display: AbstractButton.IconOnly
            icon.source: "qrc:/address-card-regular.svg"
            icon.height: 32
            icon.width : 32
            highlighted: true
            text: qsTr("IconOnly")
            onClicked: {
                console.log("IconOnly Button Clicked ...")
            display: AbstractButton.TextBesideIcon
            icon.source: "qrc:/address-card-regular.svg"
            icon.height: 32
            icon.width : 32
            highlighted: true
            text: qsTr("TextBesideIcon")
            onClicked: {
                console.log("TextBesideIcon Button Clicked ...")



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Today | 14, March 2025